
Given I work from home, listening to podcasts and reading are my escape hatch into the outside world of work. I have put together a list of posts, books and podcasts that I’ve been reading and listening to that have got me thinking.

The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload by David J Levitin (book)

I am still making my way through this tome. The first section discussed organising your life to get stuff done. This I found tremendously helpful. The top tip I have taken away is to only put on your to do list those the absolutely top priority items.

Now I am reading about sleep, and reading too much about sleep hormones and parts of the brain. Take out: get loads of sleep (8 hours a night) because if you miss it one night, you won’t ever catch up.

I am looking forward to the next sections.

Happier by Gretchen Rubin with Elizabeth Craft (podcast)

I listen to this series when I walk. So many practical tips for how to make your life a little bit more enjoyable. There are nearly 70 episodes now so there is a large back catalogue to choose from. It is hard to pick one tip from all the episodes, but maybe the best one was if something just takes a minute to do, do it now and don’t put it on your to do list.

Jane Jackson Coach (podcast)

Jane was my business transitions coach, and she has interviewed many fascinating figures in business. My favourites are Ryan Rhoten who talks about personal branding and Andrew Griffiths whose varied career proves having faith and positivity in each step of the career journey will lead to great things.

I had the honour of being interviewed by Jane last week also so look out for that in the weeks to come.

Kochie’s Business Builders (website)

There are many great articles in here to get you thinking about different aspects of your business, and to hear the story behind other successful businesses.

My Sassy Business (newsletter)

I signed up to this newsletter, and every Monday morning I get a nice email with helpful business tips. Highly recommended. One newsletter that does not overwhelm you with sales pitches.

Flying Solo (website)

Like Kochie’s Business Builders, this has a wealth of articles on all aspects of your business. I found myself really thinking (and ultimately disagreeing) with this article on Return on Marketing Investment. Being a budgeter, I don’t see the validity of spending money on anything without some checks and balances.

What about you? I always love to hear about new resources so please share!