
Quitting is an absolutely valid option.

I recently witnessed the sale of a bricks and mortar business. The seller was relieved, excited, and couldn’t wait for Monday morning when she wouldn’t have to work in the business. And yet she hasn’t told anyone, and when I congratulated her on the sale, she just shrugged and changed the subject.

Why is closing a business or quitting a job something we feel we need to keep quiet about? Why should any business owners who decides to exit their business leave without a goodbye or a celebration of this big bold step in their life?

We have been given the impression that quitting equates to failure and failure is bad.

I have been reflecting on this and admitting I’ve had issues with it myself.

I have suggested to a few of my clients that they close their doors. I have never mentioned this to anyone and certainly not in my marketing. I felt like a bad strategist for recommending that.

But truth is I offer holistic strategic plans – and looking at the whole picture means I can see that some client’s needs, values, desires and lifestyles can be at odds with what they are hoping to get out of their business. Quitting is for sure an option, and an option we should embrace. If you are at a crossroads, don’t worry.

Either way you win.