Musings, insights, tips and inspiration all wrapped up into one blog!
Musings, insights, tips and inspiration all wrapped up into one blog!
How much is Social Media Marketing really costing your business?
Social media is a great tool for marketing yourself and your business. The realms of possibility are endless for making connections, interacting with potential clients and creating credibility. But,...
Just dip your toes in: My course at Sydney Community College
Do you get scared when someone asks you for a lot of personal information? Does the thought of a one to one coaching session make you sweat? I understand these feelings as I have felt them myself at...
Why I do not strive to pay less tax
Tax is a big part of being a small business owner. Given our marginal tax rate, I am often asked how to - or told they are already - doing everything possible to minimise tax. There are two things...
Bread Budgeting – what’s in a name?
Before I had even decided what services to offer, I knew I wanted to call my business Bread. I often get asked if it was my maiden name or if I had it from a bakery I might have once owned. Well, no...
Holidays begin and peace is anywhere but upon us
Today marks the fifth day of school holidays, and I can tell you there is no peace in this household. Yet. I know from past holidays that it takes the kids (and me if I'm being honest) a good two...
Entrepreneurship is an evolution not a destination
As I've been finding my business feet, Bread Budgeting Services has been moving along slowly, with subtle changes every now and then. Recently I found two things I didn't have the...
Kick Ass at your Side Hustle
Hands up who is ready to kick 2018's B-U-T-T! Keep your hand up, or up another hand up, if 2018 is going to the year your Side Hustle takes centre stage? Without a plan, though, the only thing...
Workshops & Training
I offer regular workshop on subjects such as cash flow, budgeting basics or planning for the next steps. For upcoming workshops, please check below. Contact me to enquire about tailored budgeting...
Is Your Small Business Working for You?
Are you working around the clock but can’t afford a day off? Do you love your product, but can’t understand why your customers are not buying it? Do you have a business idea you’d like to try out...
MEET THE MAKER: Hypmotive Hub’s Unique Marketplace Event
If you follow me on Instagram, you will know I am a huge fan of Mary Portas of Mary Queen of Shops. As soon as I first saw her show, I knew I wanted to do what she was doing for all small businesses...
For the last few months, in addition to my client work, I have been working with my collaboration partners, Renee and Jacob Russo, to deliver financial training to local business owners. (Psst the...
BUSINESS PROFILE: What is life like Under the Little Top?
A night out with her mothers’ group gave rise to a brilliant business idea for mother of two, Kath Clements, who has struck the perfect work/life business with her tent hire business, Under The...

© The Flow Society - Eliza Ludwig